About Seminole Uniserv

Seminole UniServ offers a range of professional services and support to members of each of the four local unions. Our primary areas of focus and expertise are contract enforcement and interpretation, member representation, and collective bargaining. We are committed to excellence and ready to serve.

Who we are
Who we are

We believe public school employees of Seminole County deserve the highest quality and standard of professional representation. Staff members are continuously improving upon their individual and collaborative skills to ensure members receive the best service possible.

Our approach
Our approach

Every member's situation is unique. Seminole UniServ staff members investigate and evaluate a member's situation objectively to provide the most efficient and effective solutions and services possible.

Our Staff
Sue Carson
Sue Carson
UniServ Director
Sue has been working for UniServ for over 15 years and is committed to supporting members of the four locals via advocacy and membership representation.
Jason Pavlak
Jason Pavlak
Jason has worked in the financial industry for 10 years. He is currently employed at UPS for the past 25 years and has been with Seminole UniServ since June 2018. Jason has also succesfully tested for the Certified Public Bookkeepers certification. He is striving to build on his knowledge to assist in strengthening the entire organization.
Robbin Sullivan
Robbin Sullivan
As a concerned educator, union supporter and parent of children that have gone through the school system, Robbin decided to stay connected with Seminole County Public Schools via her Secretary role at UniServ. Robbin has a strong working knowledge and recognition of the importance of documentation and confidentiality, as she previously supported teachers, counselors, and front office Administration and parents. She believes confidentiality is extremely important when promoting the ideas and working of the union.
Arnold Grace
Arnold Grace
UniServ Director
Arnold is a Master level Counselor, with an extensive background in Human Resources Management, Strategic Planning in educational matters and is a former Dean of Education. Arnold has a Bachelor’s in Social Work and Music Education from Oakwood University and a Master’s degree in Counseling Education from Andrews University. In his free time, Arnold enjoys spending time with his lovely wife, two adult daughters and beautiful grandbaby girl with another grandbaby boy on the way.
Thomas Bugos II
Thomas Bugos II
Tina McClory
Tina McClory
Vice Chairperson
William Dishman
William Dishman
Chonta Henderson
Chonta Henderson
Carlos Crispin
Carlos Crispin
Board Member
John Riegelmayer
John Riegelmayer
Board Member
Natasha Johnson
Natasha Johnson
Board Member
Stacy Yankelevitz
Stacy Yankelevitz
Board Member
Catherine Ondrey
Catherine Ondrey
Board Member
Nicholas Cromer
Nicholas Cromer
Board Member
Sharon Swalina
Sharon Swalina
Board Member
Megan Betche
Megan Betche
Board Member