IMPORTANT NOTICE: Seminole UniServ has ended all business effective immediately.

Dear Seminole County Public Schools Union Members,

On Thursday, February 6, 2025, the SEA Board of Directors voted to withdraw from Seminole UniServ, effective immediately. As a result, UniServ and the UniServ Board have formally been dissolved, and all operational structure of UniServ has ended.
Moving forward, Seminole UniServ will no longer have staff; however, I want to assure you that your union—the Seminole Education Association (SEA); the Seminole Educational Clerical Association (SECA); Seminole County School Bus Driver (SCSBDA) and the Non-Instructional Personnel of Seminole County (NIPSCO)—remains strong and fully committed to serving you.
Your local will continue to operate independently with the same capacities as UniServ, but all services will now be handled directly by your union officers, board of directors and the members themselves with support from the State and National affiliates including the Florida Education Association (FEA), American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Education Association (NEA).
Your representation, support, and advocacy remain our top priorities.
As the Former Executive Director of UniServ and the President of SEA, I am personally committed to providing you with the support and guidance you need—whether it concerns workplace issues, contractual rights, or union representation. Additionally, all locals will soon return to the bargaining table with a team of our colleagues to negotiate improved salaries and working conditions for all employees of Seminole County Public Schools.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me personally or to your local president:
Office: 407-388-1131

Your union stands with you, and together, we will continue to advocate for our profession and our future.

In solidarity,

Thomas Bugos, Former Executive Director

SCPS: Employee Contracts 

Seminole Education Association

SEA 2024-2027 Full Contract

Seminole Educational Clerical Association

 SECA 2024-2027 Full Contract

Non-Instructional Personnel of Seminole County

NIPSCO 2024-2027 Full Contract

Seminole County School Bus Drivers Association

SCSBDA 2023-2025 Full Contract


Seminole Education Association (SEA)
Seminole Education Association (SEA)
Seminole Education Association is the exclusive bargaining agent in Seminole County for Teachers and Teacher-based Employees (Nurses, Social Workers, Counselors, etc).
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Seminole Educational Clerical Association (SECA)
Seminole Educational Clerical Association (SECA)
Seminole Educational Clerical Association is the exclusive bargaining agent in Seminole County for Secretarial Personnel and Para-professionals.
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Seminole county School Bus Driver Association (SCSBDA)
Seminole county School Bus Driver Association (SCSBDA)
Seminole County Schools Bus Driver Association is the exclusive bargaining agent in Seminole County for public school Bus Drivers and Monitors.
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Non-Instructional Personnel of Seminole County (NIPSCO)
Non-Instructional Personnel of Seminole County (NIPSCO)
Non-Instructional Personnel of Seminole County is the exclusive bargaining agent in Seminole County for Non-Instructional Personnel such as Custodians, Maintenance Personnel and Food Service Workers.
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Seminole Retired Chapter
Seminole Retired Chapter
Seminole Retired Chapter
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